Tuesday, March 26, 2013

I love this life!

Yes, I love this life! This life that some would consider a life of deprivation because our income is less than a 1/4 of what it used to be.  But, you know what?  I wouldn't change the life I have today for those previous years and all the extra money and expensive homes.

Not everyone would choose to live this way. I was told by someone recently, "It would drive me nuts to have to watch every penny".  But, I love all the little things that I do to stretch our small income.  I love cooking from scratch and baking my own bread. I love making my own laundry soap and the crisp fresh smell of line dried sheets. No amount of purchased fabric softener will come close to that wonderful scent.  I don't see it as deprivation but as tasks that add a richness to my days.

I've heard women say that they felt like their brains were drying up when they were 'only' homemakers.  But, I am never bored. I'm always learning something new. This winter I've spent time learning how to grow vegetables from seeds.   My heart sings as I walk by those little baby seedlings thriving in my vegetable patch. My sweet peas are blooming and the strawberries have flowered along with a few actually berries. 

I enjoy my slow mornings and spending time in God's Word before my day starts. This is my favorite time of the day.

 I love the opportunities to spend more uninterrupted time with my husband. I find that I have more patience in my relationships when my life is less busy.

Our free raspberries are thriving.

I find a deep sense of satisfaction when relationships are put first. So much greater than anything the promise of extra money can offer. My home is not fancy or up to date with the newest styles. I live in a lower income neighborhood so there's no chance of impressing anyone when they visit my home. But, you know what? Those things are so temporal.

Money can buy many 'things' but  it can't buy what I have!


  1. Love this post and the godly contentment which Scripture says is great gain.

  2. What a lovely post- an inspiring start to my morning :)

  3. Great post! Money can't buy happiness!!!!

  4. It is so true!!!

    I was telling my hubby that for being on a strict budget we are eating better than ever! Salad to go with our meals every day. Our homemade bread is delicious. Yum!

    Previously I would have had some processed foods in the freezer and have realized that there are none! It's so gratifying! Everything I make is from scratch! (I don't grind my own flour mind you!) Last night we got home from Bible Study and I whipped up a pepperoni pizza. It took about 30 minutes to get the dough mixed and in out of the oven~ give or take. That would be the same time as it would take for a chain to deliver. And it was good! I used to think that restaurant food and processed food tasted so much better than home cooked food but our tastebuds have changed to what we have become accustomed to. Home cooked meals are so much better!!!

    And I love sitting down with my hubby at the table with no outside distractions and spend time together.

    Life is good!

    1. I continue to think this through and I find that it's not necessarily the duties that make me content (although I really do enjoy all I do) but it's a contentment with what we have... with our income.. with what I need to do to make the income 'work'.. contentment with where God has me today. There have been days when I have done these very same duties but with a discontented and murmuring spirit and I found no joy in them at all. Maybe that is the difference.. the condition of the heart.

  5. We are also living on 1/4 of the income from two years ago-by choice. Hubby started his own company which we both work at. Likely in future we will be making more money but even now our standard of living has gone way up - less stress, better home cooked meals, more time for ourselves and each other. It is a good life.

  6. I know your life is not always a easy Georgene and reading this post from you is so sweet.

  7. I seem to be happier when I do things more simply or the old fashioned way, so I understand this. And when we work with our hands around our home it is just one way to honor and worship the God we serve. "Worship God in the quotidian."

  8. Oh Georgene.... I love this post!!!
    It seems that today everyone's life is so busy, they don't stop and appreciate all the beauty around us.... I love the simple life!

    So very true that money can't buy happiness!!!

  9. We are on a very tight budget too and I'm so happy to find others who are living a more simple homegrown lifestyle! I too love clothes dried in the fresh air :)

  10. I was just reading some random blogs tonight and ran across one where the woman had only spent 2200 this month which enabled them to save 3360 dollars that they would have spent. One of her bare bones expenses was a haircut and color for 77. I would be happy to have her 2200 a month and would not necessarily feel like I was being frugal if I had spent it all. I guess there are different mindsets on what frugal is. I heard no mention of contentment in her post. I am with you this is the real treasure is being content even on a very small income.

    1. I had to read the amount spent several times for fear it was a mistake. I wonder how many people this fed? Boy... what I could do with that food budget! :-)

  11. I did read they are a retired couple. She does save money by doing her own manicures and pedicure. I am not mocking her, just shocked I guess, especially By the 77 dollar hair cut and color, and this was a no spend month. I looked at her blog a bit and it was interesting, but not like the budget for the life I lead. I am like you, just so happy to have what I have as even that can be gone in a more minute, so I am just grateful for today!

  12. Sort of unfair to use that blog as an example. They are a very well off couple who could live a much more lavish lifestyle but choose not to.

    Wonderful post however, so lovely to read of such contentment.

  13. It's all in our attitude. While income wise we have seen no difference, my health has gotten significantly worse over the last few years. At first I had a hard time with it, but now I am discovering that I just have to go with it and do what I can do. I read lots of books, write letters, taught myself to cross stitch, spend time with grandchildren, my husband, parents. I will probably never again go on long walks, go canoeing, play tennis, but there is so much I can do. That just has to be our attitude in life!

    1. Rachel.. you are learning to be content in the situation God has placed you. Praise God for His grace. I, too, am learning these lessons... just on a smaller level perhaps than you. (see next post).

  14. I am living on less than 1/10 of the income I did 10 yrs ago when I was married. The economy and job loss was a blessing and I feel the same way you do. very nicely put. I am no longer interested in that stressful job with a larger salary. By living simply and frugal, everyday it seems my small salary continues to expand.


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