It's hard to believe I don't have to work outside my home for the time being. I've been home most of our married life until the recession and then my husband's disability changed our financial situation. I only worked part time and was thankful for the jobs the Lord provided but my heart always longed to be home. It's hard on a woman to work outside the home but sometimes a necessity. Things could change but it looks hopeful that I won't have to work outside my home in the near future. That is important to my husband and I. We both know from experience that our home is more peaceful when I'm not under the stress of outside work. So I continue to do my part by saving and stretching our income. Laine taught me years ago to consider it my part time job.
Our first and only cauliflower this year! It was huge! |
Here are the paid jobs I'm working on now from my own home:
~ 2 microwave Neck Rolls (finished)
~ A bag for a wheelchair (finished)
~ Apron
~ Kitchen Aide Cover
~ Editing a dissertation
~ Organizing a ladies receipts for taxes
~ Took in the seams on a family member's pants (finished)
Over my years as a homemaker I have done a long list of jobs such as:
- Sewed doll clothes and sold them at a beauty shop.
- Babysitting (Before and after childcare along with full and part time sitting)
- Foster care
- Typing
- Ironing
- I tested Crewel kits
- Sewing Projects
- Addressed envelopes
- I ran a used curriculum bookstore from our home for 10 years
- Managed a group of duplexes while receiving free rent in exchange. I also made money on the side by cleaning and painting them.
I still strongly believe the best way to make money at home is to stretch the money that is already coming in.
Here are just a few things I did at home this week:
1. A penny saved is a penny earned and that is one way I look at mending. If I can make our clothes last longer then it saves money (or a penny) because I don't have to buy new ones. I mended a hole in my husband's sock and also mended some sweat pants.
2. I finished cracking the pecans that were given to me months ago. I'm so thankful for any kind of free nuts because they are so expensive in the stores. I'll use them in my daughter in love's cake this weekend along with the German chocolate I found at an outlet for a dollar. I stocked up on a few boxes and put them in the freezer.
Sweet peas and cabbage |
4. I was so busy during December that I didn't make a menu. My grocery budget suffered because of it. So, I spent a half an hour making a 2 week dinner menu tonight. I went through my freezer to see what meat I had on hand and checked my pantry and freezer for vegetables on hand.
5. I froze the gizzard and neck from the turkey I cooked in December. I boiled them this week and I'm chopping a little every day to put in my dog's food. She loves it!
6. I saw a recipe using a bag of broccoli slaw and it reminded me of coleslaw so I made my own version. It was yummy! I've tried all kinds of recipes for coleslaw dressing but these days I just use 1 cup of mayo, 1 tbsp. sweetener (I use Erythritol) and 1 tbsp. vinegar. I added a few cranberries and pecans to the slaw.
Broccoli slaw
1 bag of broccoli slaw
1 cup mayo
1 tbsp. vinegar
1 tbsp sugar of Erythritol (or sugar)
Handful of dried cranberries
Handful of salted sunflower seeds or pecans or pistachios
Mix the vinegar and sugar into the mayo and then mix in the slaw. Add cranberries and nuts.
Chipotle Chicken
This chicken was very good and very spicy! My husband really liked it!
1 medium can of Chipotle peppers in Adobe
1 can of water
1 tbsp. vinegar
1 tbsp. garlic powder
1 tsp. salt (Kosher salt if you have it)
5 pounds of drumsticks (I used chicken legs and thighs)
Blend peppers and water and seasonings. Use 1/2 of the mixture and freeze the rest for another time or use some in your mayo for sandwiches. Marinate an hour to overnight. (I marinated overnight). Grill or bake on a tin foiled rack in a pan at 400 degrees for 45 minutes or until done. Rotate half way through.
Lettuce is so easy to grow and so inexpensive if grown by seed! |
8. Washed my own car and paid myself $8 instead of the car wash. I really dread washing the car in the winter months but the weather has been pretty mild this week so it wasn't too bad. I've never timed it but I can't imagine it taking any longer than 15 minutes. Pretty good pay for the time invested.
9. I haven't been to the thrift store in a few months so I stopped in this week and found a winter and summer blouse. I had a 25% off coupon. I paid $5.23 total for 2 blouses. I can't see the sense in buying new clothes to wear around the house for everyday when I can find them so inexpensively at the thrift store.
10. Things I didn't throw away:
- Saved rubber bands off of the free flowers
- Plastic salad bag (washed and reuse as a baggie)
- Plastic wrap over mushrooms (reused as seran on sauteed mushrooms)
- Mayonnaise jar (Use to drain grease from a roast in before throwing in the garbage)
- Plastic shopping bags (reused as a garbage can liner)
That's it for this week. My son and daughter in love will be here tomorrow to help us rebuild our fence that is falling apart in the backyard. YAY!
So I have a question to ask you ladies. What do you use as an inexpensive (but effective) facial cleanser and moisturizer? I need some ideas. I used to pay $50 for the kit at Bath and Body Works but I don't want to spend that kind of money again.
Blessed to be home,
St. Ives Apricot Scrub is good and they have different blends if you do not like the apricot.
ReplyDeleteI'm making a list and will check it out. Thanks so much for taking the time to share what you use.
DeleteI buy different things but soap made out of Shea butter works well on the skin. For moisturizer some Bio Oil which is basically Vit E and A I think. I use a brand version from a local drugstore. A very small bottle lasts half a year!
ReplyDeleteI've never heard of Bio Oil. I've put it on my list and will try to find a brand version locally. Thanks so much for the suggestion!
DeleteGreat post Georgene. Encouraged once again! I use coconut oil for face wash with baking soda as a scrub. I keep two containers in my bathroom just for this purpose. First I rub the oil all over which removes any makeup, then before removing the oil, I dip the tips of my fingers in a very small amount of the soda, blend it together in my hands and gently massage in circular motions on my face. Avoid eye area. Rinse with warm water, and wash cloth to make sure all makeup is removed. Add additional coconut if desired for moisture. My skin feels so soft, and I have not had any problem with it. Everyone's skin is unique, but you might like it. BTW...You have beautiful skin! Beautiful heart too!!
ReplyDeleteIs this 'my Joyce' who sat at my table for tea this month? :-) A friend gave me coconut oil for Christmas so I plan on trying it. Thanks so much for telling me to avoid eye contact. It didn't think of that. :-)
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DeleteThank you Georgene for this post! :) And all of them. So wonderful to put the mind on something nice and simple like saving $ in the home and making $ from home. :)
ReplyDeleteThis week I sold a cake topper in my etsy shop--so will work on that soon.
I picked up 4 bags of fresh cranberries which were marked way down now that the holidays are over I am going to dehydrate them.
Anyhow I got very interested in the info on fermentation--so I got a kindle book on just that topic at Amazon.
I've used one 4 pk of Activia this week and it helped me feel better inside--my meds tend to be hard on the tummy. I looked through all the plain yogurts I could find at local store to find one that had a similar culture listed. Found a store brand that had 5 cultures in it, including a bifida culture--so I got a small container to use as a starter to make my own and I hope it works as well.
Fighting a bout of med side effect depression that has been just horrible!
I have some big trash bags full of cleaned out milk jugs and soda bottles that I put away before the holidays--those are for my spring garden. Gonna start winter sowing seeds soon. I could have begun already but I have been just too depressed the past few weeks-- side effect of a med I needed to switch. Here is a link on winter sowing:
I'm not sure how big of a garden I will have--the heat here gets pretty oppressive in summer-so I need to think it through--how much will I be able to really tend? We shall see...
More projects--I have some old wool and silk clothing and other fabric & recycled ribbon etc--that is all in storage bags. Most of it I got free at the recylce place where I used to live. I plan to take my cutting mat and wheel cutterr and get it all cut down to usable bits of fabric and buttons etc. Mainly this is for crafting for the little felted wool critters I make and ornaments etc. I need it to be more tidy so I can store it better and access it more easily.
Its good to find busy work too-- I made some little felt balls to exercise my hands, I did it with needle felting--although I think just wet felting would be easier and better on my hands. Still sitting in my chair doing this repetitive basically mindless task was so relaxing! I haven't done that kind of thing in a while and it reminded me how much I need my hands to feel better.
Another thing I did is contact a compounding pharmacy--they make topical creams that work on things like fibromyalgia and arthritis etc.. using RX meds and other things--so if my Dr will RX this-- I can have a custom made cream for my hands and neck, etc. that could lesson the meds I need to take and possibly save me money too.
we shall see...
I'm so sorry to hear you are suffering with depression Mary. I'm currently reading Ed Wheat's book on Depression and really loved John Piper's little book on fighting for joy which was about depression. I pray that the Lord will show you a way to find joy in the midst of the depression. Will you let me know how the cream works? I'm having arthritis issues. I'm hoping I can narrow it down to food related but if not then I'd like to know of an alternative to medication.
DeleteIf you can eat a lot of romaine lettuce (green salad), I find it can have a dramatic affect on arthritic pain. If you don't already do this, try it for a few days and cut out any dairy and I think you will notice a big difference. I try to eat as much lettuce as I can but can't seem to eat it more than a few times a week. I'd love to know if it has the same affect on you.
DeleteTwist on slaw-- works great for brocoli or cabbage.
ReplyDeleteAdd juice & zest of one orange to your slaw dressing, then add cranberries. De licious!!! Also a package of ramen noodles make this a crowd pleaser. you can add sunfower seeds or almonds or whatever crunchy nutty thing you like--but that's optional.
Must have the orange and cranberry--and stretches very well with ramen-- use the ramen dry--don't cook it. (you can toast it, but I didn't care for that much)
Every time I make a version of this my guests all love it, never have any leftovers.
Yum! I bet that is good! I hope to try it next time! Thanks for sharing Mary!
DeleteI use Alpha Hydrox Foaming Face Wash (from Ulta, bought using their coupon, of course) and Neutrogena Healthy Skin Face Lotion with sunscreen and alpha-hydroxy (used to get Walmart's equate brand that was exactly the same but they quit carrying it last I'd checked). However, I have PCOS and a not-so-lovely symptom that is hirsutism and have found that these two products are gentle enough that they don't irritate my skin and that the alpha-hydroxy keeps ingrown hairs at bay. I imagine that that's due to the sloughing off of skin cells from the alpha-hydroxy. In the summer months I don't use the lotion as regularly since I usually have oily skin at that time of the year and don't enjoy being out in the sun too much (I know, sad). I think all together, these two items run me around $15 and I only buy them once a year.
ReplyDeleteAnimals are smart. They know organ meats are good for bodies and appreciate them. I do not. But my two cats eat the food that is flavored with liver and giblets most eagerly. Offal's good for people, but it just doesn't taste good to me.
Your cauliflower looks like the green colored variety, is that right? Does it taste any different than the typical white variety?
Thanks for the suggestions. I put them on my list. :-) No, the cauliflower was not green. My camera doesn't take good pictures. I have eaten green cauliflower/broccoli and it's very mild. I liked it but it's so expensive.
DeleteI use Oil of Olay and Cerave cleanser.
I've never heard of Cerave cleanser. I'll have to see if I can find it. Thanks so much!
DeleteI've used old fashioned Ponds cold cream and moisturizer for years.
ReplyDeleteI'm actually using Ponds to remove make up. I didn't know they made a moisturizer. Thanks for your help Rhonda! Hope you are well!
DeleteOh my goodness, this is so funny, I actually have planned to post tomorrow a facial cleanser and moisturizer I made from coconut oil. I'm posting the recipe tomorrow, but, in all honesty, I think a warm washcloth to your face, rubbing in a little coconut oil and putting the washcloth up to your face again works really well. It takes make up off too! I have been using coconut oil as a skin moisturizer for about 2 weeks now and my skin is so much more comfortable in this winter heat!!
ReplyDeleteWonderful! I 'll have to check out your post. Great timing! :-) Do you wear face make up? If so do you put the coconut oil under the face make up?
DeleteHi, yep, I wear it under make up. I put a little on my face right out of the shower and let it sink in a while then I put on a little sunscreen and my make up. I posted the cleanser recipe here:
DeleteI use natural cleansers as well - you can google oil method (using olive or coconut oil as a 2 in 1 cleanser and moisturizer) where you can add a little baking soda to remove makeup. I also use raw honey as cleanser when my skin is irritated. MUCH cheaper than any system you buy in the store, and no mysterious ingredients!
ReplyDeleteI've used honey before and it worked great. Do you use the coconut oil under your face make up?
DeleteI only use the coconut oil at night - my aging skin feels soft and non greasy in the morning. Seems my makeup always wears off by afternoon no matter what so haven't tried oil underneath
DeleteMy skin is sensitive and I've always had to use expensive cleansers because of it, but for the past year I've been using coconut oil for both cleansing and moisturizing. It's a wonderful make-up remover. Just get a dime sized portion and rub it between your hands to melt it, then smooth it all over your face - even your eyelids. I use cotton squares to remove the make up, the follow up with a wet cloth to get the excess off. Coconut oil is a wonderful conditioner for your face and hair, too. Plus, it's healthy to cook with.
ReplyDeleteI'm going to try coconut oil. You gals have convinced me! :=)
DeleteI like your blog. When I got married 42 years ago, I was a Registered Nurse. That is the only job I have ever had. It enabled me to work only 2 days a week with excellent pay, Was very glad I had this skill and only had to work 2 days a week.
ReplyDeleteGod Bless and thanks for the money saving ideas.
Good for you! Isn't wonderful to have the freedom to choose for our own families what we believe is best? Life is never boring!
DeleteSix years with no raise and becoming an empty nester...Now we've had another income change but my husband says I SAVE more than I'll earn outside. He proudly tells everyone that I'm a SAHW and they are amazed we manage on one salary so well when so many of them work 1-3 other jobs.
ReplyDeleteYou've learned some valuable skills Terri if you can save more staying home than working outside the home. I know that I am able to set more money aside when I stay home than when I worked. I think I had this attitude that there will always be money so I can buy something if I want. :-) I bet it makes you feel good when your husband brags on you! :-)
DeleteGeorgene, I sell Avon. So, I have to recommend that for you, LOL! But the skin care would run you about the same as you were paying at BBW, unless you barter your sewing skills with a rep. I am trying to get my beautician to take avon in exchange for haircuts, but she hasn't agreed yet. They have a new home and baby on the way, so I know they need the cash money.
ReplyDeleteThis past week I found some good deals at the superrnarkets. Revlon hair color was marked down to .95 at Publix. I got two. The hair color is close enough, and I really just want to cover grey! Also found Hunts tomatoes BOGO, and there was a .75 off pasta coupon attached to the cans. I bought 6 cans. Also bought Duncan Hines cake mixes with coupons inside for free cake mix with purchase of Comstock pie filling. I will use these to make cobbler. I love the kind of cobbler with the pie filling, the box of yellow cake mix poured on top, then a melted stick of butter poured over, then baked at 350 till brown on top. Yum!
I don't garden so I also don't do much canning, So I look for deals on mark down anything, including meat. I got chicken thighs and legs for .74 per lb. this week. Chicken has gone up, so a great price for that.
Collected my paycheck for Dec. and Jan. medical ins. billing. I do this at home. It's only a few hours here and there, but I am putting the money away saving for a vacation. Yes, I very much support working at home!
I've heard that medical ins. billing is good money. It's wonderful you can work from home and that you have a goal for the money. :-) I hope you have a great vacation!
DeleteJust wondering where to buy the coconut oil - is this a health food store item or can I just buy it at the grocery store? Could you let me know - this is a great tip!
ReplyDeleteDo you have a Costco nearby? They sell a HUGE container for right around $20. I started using the coconut oil last night. It feels WONDERFUL on my skin.
DeleteYes, Costco is a about a 30 minute drive from where I live here in Canada...and I found out that they do carry the coconut oil! Will be on my list next time I go...thanks so much for the tip! Just found your blog, and am loving the information and ideas on how to made do on less!
DeleteI use Oil of Olay with sunscreen every single day in the AM. After shower in the PM, I gently apply good old Vaseline under my eyes. For a facial scrub, I make a paste of cornmeal and water and scrub in the shower. (Just a few times each month is enough, though)
ReplyDeleteMy children are grown, but I substitute teach 2-3 days each week at the elementary level. I work from 7:30-2:15 and make $115/day. I love it!
Great schedule and you sure can't beat $115 a day! Wow! Thanks for posting and thanks for the suggesion on moisturizer.
DeleteI use extra virgin organic coconut oil on my face twice a day (after I wash my face in the morning before applying makeup and then at night after I get out of the shower). Once a week I use baking soda with a little water as an exfoliant on my face. And once every 2-3 weeks I will pat on pure organic apple cider vinegar, let sit, and then rinse off after a couple of minutes. My skin has never been so smooth or so clear.
ReplyDeleteCan I find coconut oil in the baking section in the store, or is it a beauty item?
ReplyDeleteFor health reasons, I would recommend that you only use organic extra virgin coconut oil... you can buy at a health food store, order from Swanson's Vitamins or Vitacost, or purchase in the organic section of the grocery store.
DeleteOne more tip - the TJ Maxx near me almost always has organic coconut oil cheaply - be sure to check the kitchen section of those stores as well!
ReplyDeleteThanks for another great blog Georgene. I love reading what you write! God bless. x
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ReplyDeleteUpdate on the coconut oil. I started breaking out on my face so I stopped using it. :(