Gift giving was always very important to my family when I was growing up. Mother taught my sister and I to crochet and knit simple projects while we were in elementary school. We used those skills to make gifts for Christmas. My sister and I learned to crochet borders around dishcloths and made them into lovely potholders and we knitted house slippers and a myriad of other craft projects. I couldn't wait until I turned 12 because Mother promised she would teach me to sew.
Those skills came in very handy the first 15 years of married life. I made the majority of gifts for family members and a lot of gifts for my children since we didn't have much money left after our bills were paid.
I stopped making gifts when I started my own home business. It was just too much stress. But, this year's circumstances find me in a place where I'm picking up those long ago learned skills to help stretch my gift budget again.
I've been crocheting dishcloths while I sit with Miss Alice in the evenings. I also keep a crochet project in my purse (and a book) to work on if I'm stuck in a long line. Last week I nearly finished a dishcloth while waiting in the doctor's office. I also crochet or knit in the evenings after my work is finished for the day.
I went through my material bins and found some unfinished projects to sew. I finished a retro apron yesterday. I have enough material to make one more.
Every time I can save money by doing the work myself then I consider it the same as if I earned money at a part time job. Except the wonderful thing is that I didn't have to leave my home to do it. :-) Stretching my gift budget by sewing or crocheting saves money which helps our income go just a little bit farther.
It feels good to have a head jump on Christmas. Do you have any Christmas projects started?