Not everyone would choose to live this way. I was told by someone recently, "It would drive me nuts to have to watch every penny". But, I love all the little things that I do to stretch our small income. I love cooking from scratch and baking my own bread. I love making my own laundry soap and the crisp fresh smell of line dried sheets. No amount of purchased fabric softener will come close to that wonderful scent. I don't see it as deprivation but as tasks that add a richness to my days.
I've heard women say that they felt like their brains were drying up when they were 'only' homemakers. But, I am never bored. I'm always learning something new. This winter I've spent time learning how to grow vegetables from seeds. My heart sings as I walk by those little baby seedlings thriving in my vegetable patch. My sweet peas are blooming and the strawberries have flowered along with a few actually berries.
I enjoy my slow mornings and spending time in God's Word before my day starts. This is my favorite time of the day.
I love the opportunities to spend more uninterrupted time with my husband. I find that I have more patience in my relationships when my life is less busy.
Our free raspberries are thriving. |
Money can buy many 'things' but it can't buy what I have!