Monday, August 9, 2010

I'm so content...

Everything has changed ... yet nothing has changed!

That is what I was thinking this afternoon at the end of a full day of work in my little home. Yes, my surroundings have changed... my space is smaller.. much smaller!  I am still doing many of the duties I did in a home ten times this size.. just on a smaller scale. There are still dishes to be done daily, furniture to be dusted, a bed to be made and a floor to be cleaned.
The 'fun' part is that I can finish my housework lickity split! I love that! Since we moved into our small space I'm able to spend more time studying God's Word, reading good books, ministering to His people and studying areas that interest me in God's Word. I hope I don't ever have to give that up for a big home again.

I'm content... happy as a bug in a rug... thank you Lord for this wonderful gift of time and freedom!


  1. Count your blessings,
    Name them one by one...
    Count your blessings,
    See what God has done!


  2. That's wonderful. When we realize how our "stuff" occupies our time we are on first step to correcting the imbalance. You are very blessed to be well beyond the first step :=)

  3. The wonderful part is that you don't ever HAVE to live in a large home again! How great it is that you know that and are using it to grow closer to the Lord.

  4. Contentment must be one of the most wonderful blessings while also being one of the more elusive. The tendency is to say, "i'll be content when... or if..." To be content right now is definitely a gift.

  5. Peace and contentment are worth more than diamonds and gold.......they come through God.
    ..........:-) Hugs

  6. I must say I would not want to live in a large home either. Getting older and dealing with chronic health issues, I desire so much less, instead of having more. I want to pare down to just the basics that we need.

    You have the right heart and attitude about it and I'm sure God will continue to bless you. Maybe not financially, but in other ways. It sounds like He already has. :)

  7. Just to add - I think that time over stuff is more valuable any day! We have less too, but I am so happy to have more time. That gives me great joy.

  8. Lyn... I can't seem to access your blog. It says access is denied. Do you have a blog?


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