I was a lazy, young bride. I really had no ambition for housework but only to visit friends and enjoy life. I did the bare essentials around the apartment and then out the door I went to visit and play the rest of the day. I remember the first time my mother visited my apartment and found dishes unwashed from 2 days worth of meals. She was so upset with me and said if she ever came back and found my home in that shape it would be the last time she visited. That was a long time ago and thankfully she never found my kitchen in that shape again but her words left a lasting impression on me.
I'm not sure when things changed but I do know WHY things changed. God's Word became important to me. I learned that I could bring Him glory by HOW I lived my life.
So, whether you eat or drink
God was doing a work in my heart through His Word. The more I learned in His Word the more my priorities changed. My husband, children and my home started to take a higher priority than friends and having fun. Priorities began to shift and I found that my marriage improved and my home life became more peaceful and less hectic.
Boy, has it been a long, hard road of learning how to keep a home and I still to this day have not perfected it. But, there has been a lot of improvement over the years. I continue to ask the Lord for help often throughout the week. I ask that He guide my steps and show me what HE wants done next. I get overwhelmed at times but it always disappears when I turn to Him for His counsel.
I found the more I let go of activities outside my home the more time I had for the work God had given me at home. Laundry was done on time. Meals were served at a decent time. The house was never perfect but someone could drop by unannounced and I could answer the door and not hide pretending I wasn't home.
My outside 'canning' station |
I still have to be careful to keep my priorities in order as an older, middle aged keeper at home. I don't always succeed. I'm still learning even at this season of life. Today's temptations are not visiting friends as much as helping and serving other people or volunteering at my church. These are 'good things' and important good works but can easily leave my husband in second place and my housework in disarray if I'm not careful. Many 'good things' can become a hindrance to caring for your family's needs. Regularly asking my husband's opinion on my schedule is a safeguard that I'm thankful for. I don't always like his answer but I continually see the good fruit that comes from adapting to his wishes. We, as wives, often think we are doing what's best for our families but if our husband thinks differently then we are not obeying God's Word which says to submit or adapt to our own husbands.
My husband still likes it when I take care of business at home FIRST before I make it a habit of being gone too much helping others. I don't think there are many husband's who like coming home to a wife who has been gone all day and a dirty house and no clean laundry in the drawers. Some may never say anything for fear of causing a fight. And I’d imagine there are a few children who would be ashamed secretly to bring their friends home to a dirty house. Loving our husband and children more than ourselves is obeying God's command and putting their needs above our own.
Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Philippians 2:3 ESV
It may seem impossible to change but we know that nothing is impossible when God's involved. Yes, change takes time but as we renew our minds in God's Word the Holy Spirit begins to work in our hearts and gives us the grace we need to make these changes. Doesn't that bring hope? Don't allow condemnation to rule right now. Find hope in knowing that God's grace is bigger than our sin and that HE will finish the work He has started in us.
Hubby loves artichokes! |
For we hear that some among you walk in idleness, not busy at work,
but busybodies. Now such persons we command and encourage in the Lord Jesus Christ to do their work quietly and to earn their own living. 2 Thessalonians 3:11-12 ESV
Whoever works his land will have plenty of bread, but he who follows worthless pursuits lacks sense. Proverbs 12:11 ESV
Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, Colossians 3:23 ESV
Through sloth the roof sinks in, and through indolence the house leaks. Ecclesiastes 10:18 ESV
I passed by the field of a sluggard, by the vineyard of a man lacking sense, and behold, it was all overgrown with thorns; the ground was covered with nettles, and its stone wall was broken down. Then I saw and considered it; I looked and received instruction. A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest, and poverty will come upon you like a robber, and want like an armed man. Proverbs 24:30-34 ESV
Here is what has been happenin' around my neck of the woods:
A Typical Frugal Day
1. I've had an abundance of cucumbers from my garden. My favorite salad is cucumbers, tomatoes with red onion and a homemade Italian dressing. I also made 13 jars of fermented pickles and 7 jars of old fashioned butter pickles. Also, a friend suggested putting a spear of cucumber in a glass of water in the fridge. Oh my! What a treat! I never drank so much water in one day before, but this gives the water such a clean, refreshing taste I can’t resist. I want to try a sprig of mint in a glass of water next.
Zucchini, melons, yellow squash, strawberry patch, okra, corn, peppers, berries and green beans |
3. I continue to make bread for my husband's lunch. I made four loaves of homemade bread and put three of them in the freezer. They should get me through to next payday. Hopefully! I love my 3 bread makers. I just click 'dough' on the menu selection and let my little 'servants' do the work of kneading. I take them out and let them rise in the oven and then bake them.
4. I'm always looking for ways to stretch what I already have on hand. I like to add water to the last bit of product to stretch it through a few more uses. I do this with liquid hand soap, shampoo and dish washing soap.
5. I made a new Israeli tomato breakfast dish but my husband didn't care for it. Instead of throwing the leftovers away I added it to my sauce for a chicken dish that evening and spiced it up so it had a different taste. My husband liked it.
6. I harvested my basil. I picked the leaves and put them in an ice cube tray and filled it with water. I then put the cubes in a freezer bag.
A variety of peppers |
7. I used to make this pancake syrup when my children were young. I made some recently to use when the grandchildren spent the night. Sometimes it will crystallize so I just warm it on the stove. Generally speaking it's less expensive to make your own products rather than buying them at the grocery store.
Pancake Syrup
1 c. sugar
1 c. brown sugar
1 c. corn syrup (optional)
3/4 c. water
Boil 3 minutes and then add 1 tsp. vanilla or 1 tsp. maple flavoring. Refrigerate.
7. I finally finished the apron I was working on. I'd like to make one more before my in-laws arrive for a visit but I doubt I'll have time.
8. I pressure canned 6 jars of Spicy Tomato Sauce. Our tomatoes are not producing as well as last year but they sure are huge in foliage! I hope that we have a late crop because I used up nearly every jar of tomato sauce I canned last year.
Husband took a picture of his requested 'Butternut Cake' for his birthday |
10. I ended up with quite a few vitamin deficiencies when I found out I had food intolerances and stopped eating certain foods. Vitamins are expensive so now that I'm feeling better I've started to cut back and only take certain vitamins every other day.
Here are a few things I saved this week:
- Bread wrappers (washed and reused as a baggie)
- Cake plastic packaging that holds the cake mix (washed and reused as a baggie)
- Plastic herb jar (washed and reused for herbs I grow and dry)
- Plastic mushroom container (washed and reused for a drawer container)
- Veggie, egg shells, coffee grounds and fruit scraps (compost pile)
So, how is your summer going? What's keeping you busy? I love learning from you ladies!
Blessed to be home!
A very nice post, Georgene. As always. Very wise and timely counsel as well. After many years of not serving in children's ministry, I am going to volunteer. However I am not going to do so to the detriment of my husband or children. Your words were so on time...just this morning was the first meeting for interested persons. On the way home from church my husband and I discussed the fact that we don't know what this commitment will look like to our family yet, but we will move forward with God's grace and guidance. I love reading your advice. I am a person who has always considered what others have to offer...not to say I've never learned the "hard way" ;-) because I certainly have! But I sure do love to consider things before a potential mess!!! :-) I'm glad your deficiencies are being corrected and you can stretch your vitamins. Same thing happened to me, I am a type 2 diabetic and things are finally getting better. Keep taking care of yourself!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Colette. I am blessed to have older women (in the Lord and also in years) to learn lessons from and I am so thankful for their influence in my life. I still don't do 'this' perfectly but I can see God's hand in my life over the years and I praise God for it! To Him be ALL the glory! Bless you as you and your husband move forward in ministry to the Lord whether it be in your home or at church or both.
DeleteI am not there yet, but appreciate your leading the way.
I have not 'perfected' IT but there has been progress as I know there has been in your life, too. Love you,Carol!
DeleteWhen I first married, I came from a high power business position to the home. I *hated* housekeeping. It felt demeaning. I am only just learning that a clean home is a happy home where there is room for creativity, peace and a haven for the family. A haven for the family is my goal now. It's harder than the other way, but it's better, because my attitude has changed.
ReplyDeleteWhat an awesome testimony, Cristy! I have heard women say that they are so bored when they stay home. I'm never bored and there are ALWAYS a gazillion projects I would love to do and hundreds of new things I'd love to learn if I had the time. Thanks for sharing your heart and being transparent.
DeleteWhat an encouraging post from a Titus 2 woman! Thanks for sharing your experience and setting an example to others.
Thank you, Mrs. B. I'll be over to 'visit' you soon! :-)
DeleteI enjoyed this post. If we all spent time in our homes doing what needs to be done I'm guessing there wouldn't be so many "busy bodies" :-) One can always find gainful things to do that occupy our time that's for sure. Have a wonderful week. xx
ReplyDeleteWise insight, Joyful! And very Scriptural! :-) I hope your week is wonderful, too. My in laws are here for a visit so we're enjoying them.
DeleteThis is a very sweet post. In real life, I know so few homemakers, it is really nice to read about what another homemaker that is similar to me is doing,
ReplyDeleteI have mostly free days in the summer but when school starts, I will be busy with helping my children who are school employes as I care for their children while they work.
So I have been doing some big jobs like carpet cleaning while no little ones are here.
My husband just had a birthday and I baked real sugar desserts for that party, my they were good but not good for us. Your husbands cake looks yummy, I am guessing it is a real sugar dessert too?
Now we are back to fruit for dessert
Hi Rhonda,
DeleteMy 'girls' are school employees, too. :-) I help when they have to work late.
Yes, it was a 'real sugar' cake called a Butternut Cake. I only make desserts for special occasions and even then I hesitate because of the temptation. It made him happy so.....! ;-) I have several low carb sweets in the freezer to help when I get the urge for something.
Nice to hear from you!
1 Thess 4:11 and to aspire to live quietly, and to mind your own affairs, and to work with your hands, as we instructed you,
ReplyDeleteOne of my favorite verses about doing your work and minding your own business :). I am sure you know this verse.m
Yes. It comes to mind often! :-)
DeleteBread and butter pickles! I love those. and haven't had homemade ones in so long. Your husband's cake looks delicious!
ReplyDeleteI was in a car accident and totaled the car. I was fine, no serious injuries. So we are trying to get everything settled with insurance to get a new car. My mother had surgery to remove a mass from her colon. Cancer, but oncologist says no need for chemo or radiation at the moment, lymph nodes are good, Praise the Lord! So she will be coming to my home to recuperate.
In the middle of all of this, I feel His calling to the home more than ever. it is very strong! every day is a challenge because of my health issues, but I am listening to Him and feeling optimistic.
Hi Georgene, just wanted to stop by here and tell you hello and that I hope you are fine.
ReplyDeleteHello Georgene,
ReplyDeleteFor some reason I hadn't been able to pick up your posts recently.
Glad I now can. My problem when I was young was untidiness, not putting things away when I'd finished with them. Couple that with caring for little children things just got out of hand. I'm a lot better now, but wish I had been more organised when the little ones were here.
Your garden looks really lovely!
Love Angela xx UK
I am so humbled by your posts; your contentment and wisdom are inspiring. Love the photo of you rocking your granddaughter, so sweet.