Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Buying the BEST is not always my goal!

Choices. Life is full of them and it's no different when you're faced with decisions that will affect your budget.One simple choice may not seem that important but when you stack one choice onto another they all add up.  With the way prices have almost doubled in some items it's often necessary to 'settle' for a product that might not meet our previous expectations in order to stay within our means.  Each homemaker has to make the decisions for her own household.

For instance, I've had a favorite eye liner that I've used the past 5 years. I love the eye liner because it doesn't 'run' into my wrinkles. :-)  I can put it on in the morning and leave it all day and it still looks good towards evening. But, at a price tag of $7 + I've recently made the choice to switch to a Dollar Store brand. Yes, it runs. Yes, it smudges. I just tell myself...."Oh, well! Life goes on."  Imagine that! :-) That $6 could be used to purchase more veggies which is a higher priority right now than how my eyes look. (Blink, blink! *Smile*). I made a switch with my face make up,too. The new brand costs half as much as the Revlon brand but doesn't cover nearly as well. Oh, well! Life goes on! :-)

Sometimes, I make the decision that it's not worth changing brands. For instance, when it comes to mayo we stick with Best Foods. I've tried other brands and it always seems to change the flavor of the dish I'm putting it in. I watch for sales and buy it at the lowest price I can. If prices continue to rise and my budget doesn't then I may need to switch to a different brand. But, for now, I'm holding on to this name brand. I've trained my palate to prefer Best Foods.. unfortunately to my budgets detriment.

Households in poverty stricken parts of the world are not faced with these kinds of choices. Since they have not lived in a prosperous society they have not trained their palates or their tastes to want the very best. They are content to fill their bellies with any kind of food to get rid of the hunger pangs. 

Choices...  I pray that the Lord will give me wisdom to make wise ones and that I will have a grateful heart.. no matter what the brand!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. good post and good points to remember

  3. I agree. Sometimes it seems like such a big deal to have certain things when in reality, we are spoiled! I don't wear much make-up but have used Mary Kay for a while. I ran out last winter and it was just too expensive and not in the budget to buy MK so I bought some ELF(I think) at Target for $1-3 each and it works great for me when I use make-up.

    Life will go on even if I don't have exactly what I want all the time!

    1. Mary Ann... I used to use a cleaner/moisturizer product from Bath and Body Works. I loved it but it cost almost $40. I would stretch it and could almost make it last an entire year but at this stage of the game I can't afford to put out that kind of money in one shot. So, when it's all gone I plan on using olive oil to moisturize.

    2. Olive Oil is sooo good for your skin and preventing wrinkles. In the winter if you want super soft skin, put a couple of drops in a hot bath and soak. Cleaning the bathtub afterwards doesn't exactly make for fun, but your skin feels great! I recently read that coconut oil works well for your skin too. I use coconut oil to cook with but haven't tried it on my skin yet.

  4. I agree, too. I've always heard the saying "Good, Better, Best." And we should strive for the "best." (In our actions, thoughts, etc. we do need to strive for the "best.") But in reality, sometimes getting what's "Good" is good enough. And it's been my experience that with make-up, less is more. And the cheap stuff doesn't seem to irritate my skin like the more "glamorous" brands.

  5. Thought provoking post. If you always have the best, you miss those opportunities to be so grateful for what you have and the fun of getting bargains. Praying for an item also works. What you need or want can be given to you or purchased at a yard sale.

    At times you need to splurg on something and then you really appreciate it and are not on a track to be a martyr.

  6. I loved the more expensive mascara, but I've switched to the cheaper brand, and yes, it runs..... I have q-tips in my purse and car..... I run the q-tip under my eyes and magic... the black is gone. lol!

    I always feel better when I've saved a buck or two.....

  7. So I dropped my cell phone. It doesn't work. Debating on a new phone or recycling an old one that hubby had lost and we found. Sprint may not let me recycle. Just want a simple life--no texting--just a phone to connect to my Alzheimer's husband.

    I read in Time magazine that most of the world has cell phones now. What do you think about this topic? Would love to get your take on it.

    1. I'm having a hard time answering the comments on my blog so I'm sorry I haven't gotten back to you sooner Carol.

      I do have a cell phone. I pay $15 a month on my son's plan. I do NOT have a house phone. I use Magic Jack and pay for internet service instead of a phone line. BUT.. Magic Jack has it's quirks and sometimes (not often) I can't get a dial tone so because of that reason I keep the cell. Otherwise, I would drop the cell.

      But, in your situation, I can see why you would want a cell phone to keep connected to your husband. Does he have a Lifeline that he wears around his wrist where he can push it in case of an emergency? They are not cheap.. maybe $30 a month.

  8. I also experiment with buying a cheaper product and giving it a try. But what has not been mentioned is can you live without it? I don't buy fabric softener or dry bleach for colors because my clothes seem just as clean and soft without it. I don't buy many different cleaners. I use vinegar for cleaning glass and mopping floors, and I found that vinegar or bleach will work in the toilet as well. My husband loves scubbing bubbles for the bathrooms, so we do buy that. My daughter is a big fan of fabuluso, the very inexpensive cleaner.

    Not hard to believe that most people have cell phones. I think they will eventually replace home phones.

    1. Rachel.. yes, you are right. I have written about this before. I'm currently evaluating what things I can give up. Mouthwash is one I gave up recently. I just brush my teeth AGAIN instead. :-)


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