I've noticed a few blogs have asked what their readers were doing today. I enjoyed reading their comments. It's fun to 'peek' inside other women's homes and see life being lived out. It sparks ideas in my mind and I become encouraged. So, I was wondering...
What are YOU doing today?
It's only 2:30pm in California and my day is not nearly over. I'll post tonight when I sit down.
I'm looking forward to hearing about your day!
Well...I left for work at 6 a.m. worked at the school until 2 p.m. My first stop at the ranch was the Chicken Yard/Coop where I fed the chickens leftover rice from the lunch serve...checked on my new chicks and mommas' all are doing well. Now I'm in the house checking phone messages, email and blogs. I returned 3 calls asking for more Farmers Market information (I manage the local market during the summer). I'll be heading out to the garden to water, pick strawberries, chard, kale, onions and celery. I need to check the new bees and see if the queens are filling the combs with brood...then in the house to shower, finish up dinner (chuck roast with Rotel and carrots cooked in a crock pot all day)and then feet up, a bit of reading with the TV for background noise...off to bed. Tomorrow I do it again!
ReplyDeleteYou were up very early. :-) We used to have chickens. I never thought of feeding them leftover rice. But, it's a grain so it makes sense. Smart! It's wonderful you can grow and pick your own veggies. I miss that. I made Kale and bean soup last week. It was so good. I made a roast tonight, too. I've never used Rotel tomatoes but I bet it would be good. What are you reading? :-)
DeleteI'm reading: See You In A Hundred Years: Four Seasons In Forgotten America. It's a true story of a young city couple that bought a farm in Virgina and lived a 19th Century life for a year. No phone, computer, electricity, cars, tractors...no supermarkets...you get the picture. I'm enjoying it.
DeleteToday I was up extra early, so completed a custom sewing order, went to the drs, stopped for groceries, did some housework, did more sewing this afternoon, finished reading a book, I'm now eating dinner, then bath time & bedtime for my girls! A nice relaxing day... :)
ReplyDeleteAhh.. it sounds like a nice relaxing day. What are you sewing? What book did you finish? Hope you had good news at the Dr.
DeleteUp early, got laundry done, made lunches for work n school, out the door by 6:20. Work, back home for more laundry, got supper started, picked up some of the kids, brought them to CCD, now home and about to have dinner,already prepping tomorrow's supper, baked a tray of brownies as the oven was running. Busy! : )
ReplyDeleteWow! You gals are amazing that are up and out your door by 6am. I remember the days when I was up at 3 to get my husband off to work. I'd stay up and have several hours with the Lord before my day began. My whole schedule has changed since my husband is home all the time now.
Deletethis was not a normal day. i spent the morning getting things ready for a yard sale we are having on Sat. Then I got cleaned up and went to a dentist appt.
ReplyDeleteWhen I got home, it was time to cook supper - a big salad, baked carrots and a ground beef cabbage stir fry. I also made a bowl of cole slaw for tomorrow's supper.
After supper, DD and GD came over. GD is spending the night. DS also came and helped get garage sale things out of the attic.
Now, I am just visiting with DD and DH, hoping GD goes to sleep without too much of a fight.
looking forward to reading about your day
Garage sales are so much work. You sure earn your money. :-) Baked carrots? Do you season them? I've never baked carrots except in a roast or when I've made a batch with brown sugar and butter. How do you made them? The ground beef cabbage stir fry sounds good, too. It sounds like you have a full house. Hope GD went to sleep fast so you can sleep! :-)
Deletehi Georgene, I've been making baked carrots since I was about 12 years old and entered them in a 4H food show. Just take a good pound of carrots, peel and slice them. Put them in a casserole dish, season with a little salt and pepper to suit your family, about a T of sugar and dot with a T of butter. You can add a sprinkle of dried parsley is you like.
DeleteThen put the cover on the dish and bake until tender, about 30-40 minutes at 350 -400 degrees. I try to bake them along side another casserole dish to save on power.
The yard sale has come and gone, it was alot of work and alot of hours. But we sold about 80% and donated the rest the people who seemed very needy who just happened to drive up as we were packing and cleaning up.
I hope to never again do another yard sale though :)
Good to see your post, it's been a while. I hope all is well with you and yours :-)
ReplyDeleteToday was another early morning to go work out on the proerty. Cut grass, weed, move tree branches, plant seeds, cook and run errands. The day is not over yet, more house stuff to tackle.
It's been a rough start to our year. Thank you for asking. I can't quite post about it yet but maybe someday.
DeleteYou did a lot of hard work today. Are you planting a vegetable garden?
I've spent most of my day on the computer trying to fill out forms for one of my friends who needs government assistance. She's 76 years old, her husband left her for a woman the age of his (their) daughter, and he left my friend with nothing but Social Security..... Don't get me started..... grrr....
ReplyDeleteI'm hoping and praying my efforts will help her get food assistance...
Oh my Dolores! How tragic! You're such a good friend! Until she gets on assistance you might want to direct her to food pantries in her area. If she can find a one church that helps with food then they normally can tell her other places. The low income elderly in our area are forced to live on pantry food only to make it on S.S. We have over 10 pantries in our little town. PG & E will help her with lower electric bills if she is low income. Low income apartments that take 1/3 of what she makes. There is quite a bit of help out there. May the Lord bless and keep her!
DeleteUp by 5:30 and did some computer work, breakfast, etc. Had coffee at a young friend's house because they are taking the Dave Ramsey financial course and she did not want to go out for coffee; then to church for mtg. to explore possibly being part of a merea ministry in our church..older women coming alongside younger women; then to my mom's to do some things for her and spend time with her, then home to do computer work, a blog post, wash some of mom's winter sweaters to store for the summer, supper and then to our small group bible study. Now to go read before bed. The days I don't work aren't always quite this busy. This is a fun post...nice to read what others do in their day. I may check back to read more!
ReplyDeleteI hear Dave Ramsey's program is so good. I like that your friend stayed home for coffee. :-) I've never heard the term 'merea'. Is that like a Titus 2 ministry? What is your bible study group studying and what are you reading? (Sorry to be so snoopy! *S*). You were a busy lady today! :-)
DeleteMy day! :-) I woke up late so I didn't get to spend as much time in the Word as I wanted to. My husband and I have been getting in the habit of staying up later since he's home all the time which means I wake up later. I just don't have the 'ump' in me these days to fight it. My DIL, grandson and I went for our morning walk and then back home to hang out a load of clothes after breakfast. I cut Kevin's hair and then did my morning routine in Alice's part of the house after I helped her with breakfast. I made 3 loaves of bread (2 for mom) and then made the 'perfect pot roast'. After dinner I started a puzzle with Alice. It was a good day.
ReplyDeleteIt's only the start of the day here in the UK. My husband drops me off at work over an hour early as he likes to get into work early and get work done before everyone arrives. So I use the time to have a quiet coffee and catch up on my blogs and the news etc at work before the day begins! My husband will be out tonight so me and Gilbert (the cat!) will have a quiet night in baking bread and reading a good book. Cold and wet here so I think I'l light the fire too! :)
ReplyDeleteA quiet night sounds wonderful! What book are you reading? It started to rain today but then stopped. My grandson spent the day and was playing with a water gun when it started to sprinkle. He stood inside the doorway and continued to squirt the water. :-) Boys...
DeleteMy day yesterday (at least what I can recall, LOL):
ReplyDeleteUp at 7:30, as usual, with my boys. Drank coffee and made breakfast. Did my morning "computer" routine of reading emails and the online edition of my local newspaper. Balanced the checkbook and read my favorite blogs. Then turned off the computer, got the boys dressed, and we did our little preschool homeschool. Right now, since my older boy is only three, our "school" is the daily calendar, weather, counting, singing the alphabet and learning basic phonics. We do a Bible story and a memory verse, then a little worksheet or craft. This week is letter F, and we made a Letter F book. We learned number 8 yesterday, too. Then outside to play! The boys play while I do my gardening chores. Inside for lunch, which was hot dogs. My husband has college finals this week, so he sort of pops in whenever he needs a break from his studying. He ate lunch with us, then played with the boys until it was time for them to take a nap at 1:00. While the boys napped, I finished up my prep work for Wednesday night church--I lead the children's music program, and I have also just agreed to be the church's interim adult choir director. (Please pray for me to have wisdom and vision, as this is a much larger choir than I've ever led.) Then rush to Wal-Mart and Lowe's for a new soaker hose and a hose repair kit. Then home for dinner (easy burritos, as Wednesdays are very busy in our house), then got my husband off to school for two of his final exams. Changed the boys and me into better clothes for church, then the real work began--teaching roughly 10 kids, aged 4 to 5th grade, music theory, Bible verses, and practice songs for singing in the church service about once a month. Then off to "grown up" choir! That lasted until about 8:15 at night. Got home, rushed to clean up the living and dining rooms, because our sweet neighbor usually brings us leftover dinner from the church he attends and helps in the kitchen serving about 200 meals. He hates to waste food, and he could never eat all the leftovers he saves, so he usually brings us some sort of goodies. Last night he brought over 18 free-range eggs, a pan full of porkchops, rice and gravy, pinto beans, jalapeno cornbread, moon pies for the kids, and a coconut pie. Yummy! His generosity is such a blessing to us, since finances are scary-tight right now while my husband is not employed. Husband got home around 9:00 last night, so I chatted with him about how his finals went while he ate dinner. Our oldest daughter got home from church (the youth group service lasts longer), so she talked about her day, then asked to watch Les Miserables. I found it on YouTube for her. Got the boys ready for bed, they are up until at least 10 pm each night. (Somehow I feel less guilty about sleeping until 7:30 since I'm up so late with the little ones, LOL!)I had trouble falling asleep last night, and I didn't want to keep my husband awake since he has a final this morning at 8 am, so I snuggled up on the couch and watched old "Frasier" reruns. It was after twelve before I finally fell asleep. Then up again today, and it starts all over again! :)
Busy, busy day for you! I was inspired that you are teaching your preschoolers bible verses so I chose a verse to work on with my grandson when he comes for a visit once a week. I like that you teach choir to children. I'm sure the songs will stay in their minds for days after your practice. I can imagine it's a difficult time with your husband being unemployed. Boy, do I understand those emotions. Look how wonderfully the Lord is providing for your family through the generosity of a friend. Wow! We serve an awesome God!
DeleteThat was fun to read about everyone. So far today (this is Thursday) I've made walnut cinnamon crackers, had my quiet time and computer time. I'm about to go to the grocery store and later I'll do my desk work, pay bills, do budget, get deposit ready, filing. I always do this stuff on Thursdays. I've been redoing a part of my garden and may go looking for stepping stones when I go out. Linda
ReplyDeleteLinda, have you ever tried making the plastic grocery bag stepping stones? I've never done it, but it looks like fun. You mix up a bag of concrete per package instructions, then add a shovelful into a plastic grocery bag. Tie up the top, then let it sit on a flat surface until dry. Remove it from the bag, and you've got a rustic looking concrete stepping stone. I think it's supposed to be more frugal than buying stones. I don't know if the concrete sticks to the plastic, or if you have to spray it with nonstick spray first.
DeleteLinda..It's your office day! :-) I have an office day that is not as consistent as it used to be. how did the crackers turn out? I hope you take pictures of your stepping stones when they're finished. Love to you!
DeleteWell.. I just finished sorting receipts and writing a blog post about building a nest egg with just a little. I'm now going back to working on a custom order from my Etsy shop-- its 3 portrait dolls a husband ordered of his family, for his wife for Mom's day. :) Whenever I go outside with our new puppy I plant one of the little herbs or flower plants I have waiting there. (also a bunch of ferns I rescued from the lawn before it was mowed are going into a bed in increments.
ReplyDeleteWell my day yesterday Friday 4th May started at5.30am
ReplyDeleteI dont sleep well some nights so I get up early each morning and sit with the Lord for some quite time.
My husband is retired and gets up at 7 then he prepares and cooks breakfast and washes the dishes.
Then together we stripped the bed and remade it then I put a couple of loads of washing on. My husband then hangs them on the line.While he did that I polished and dusted the living and bedroom because I am not so good on my feet I sit down and do this.Then we had a cup of tea together and talked for awhile.Then husband goes out to the garden and does some work out there.
Then I sit at the table and prepare lunch.
We have that about 1pm then I sit and knit for an hour while my husband washes up and cleans the kitchen.
As the weather was good my husband when for a long push bike ride through the hills he has done this since he was a boy so trys to do this everyday since he retired thats his tme alone.He loves the peace and quite.
While he out I read my bible for about an hour and then look at some of the blogs I follow. When my husband came back the brought the washing in as in was dry.
So while he prepares tea and looked at some blogs he follows I folded and ironed the clothes and put them away. We then have tea and talk some more he tells me what birds he saw while he was out.
Then I knit some more while listening to some music. my husband reads or if there is an interesting program on tv he watches it.I am usally in bed by 9pm as I dont sleep very well with the pain I have so I just try to rest.I know my day is not very interserting or busy.
But my husband is 66 and I am 56 with walking disabilites.Just reading what some of you do makes me tired.
Northern Ireland
It sounds like you have a very full and content life in spite of your disability Denise. I'm sorry you don't sleep well at nights. My husband has nights where he doesn't sleep well, either. I do thank God he was able to get on disability so that he can sleep and rest the following day. There are always blessings to be found each day. Thank you for sharing.