Sunday, November 20, 2011

Free: Kindle Books

Free Puritan Kindle books

A wonderful list of free Kindle books:

Martin Luther - Bondage of the Will

John Owen - On the Glory of Christ

Richard Sibbes - The Bruised Reed

Charles Spurgeon - Matthew Commentary

Jerome Zanchi - Confession of the Christian Religion

Thomas Manton - Sermons

Henry Law - The Gospel in the Pentateuch

Walter Marshall - The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification

Thomas Goodwin - Commentary on Ephesians

William Gurnall - The Christian's Complete Armor (3 Vols. Complete)

Samuel Rutherford - Lex Rex

Samuel Rutherford - The Letters of Samuel Rutherford


  1. This is the third time I am trying to post. I could post the last time as NewKidontheBlogg. But it wouldn't work today.

    Oh well!

    Of these books, which is your favorite? A bargain isn't a bargain if it isn't used, I figure.


  2. forgive my ignorance do you need a kindle reader to access kindle books??

  3. @Carol... Bondage of the Will is excellent. I've read parts of The Mystery of Sanctification and it's very, very good. I hope to read (someday) John Owen's book.

    @Nell... you can download a free Kindle Reader for your computer. I downloaded mine (I think) from Amazon.

  4. I love my Kindle. Thanks for the list of books..
    I love "free"

  5. I always appreciate your posts. Do you have the More with Less Cookbook? Maybe I asked you already ...

  6. You can search free kindle Christian books via Kindle! Thank you for showing this--- while the ones listed were not free in Canada, several others are!! Wonderful stuff!


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