Wednesday, January 5, 2011

We're moving early... and I can't sleep!

I woke up with a toothache so here I sit. I had a crown fitted last month and my tooth (and the surrounding ones) have given me trouble ever since. The dentist said that the cavity was very close to the nerve root so I'm hoping that is the problem and not that I need a root canal which I can't afford right now. Sensitive toothpaste normally helps but this time the pain is not going away so I took an Ibuprofen.. and here I sit.

We got news yesterday that we can move into our new place a week earlier. I had packed most of what I could earlier but I still have those last minute stragglers that need boxing. I worked until late last night trying to get a head start on today. I still have a lot to do. I also made a pie crust to stick in the freezer to get me started on a meal for the elderly woman we'll be caring for. My days are going to be very full for the next few weeks but I'll still need to prepare meals for her so this way I'll be ahead of the game. I'm defrosting a turkey and plan on cooking it the day before we move with all the fixings so we can eat on it for a couple of days. I'll use the leftover turkey to make her a potpie.

I've learned that one of the best ways to save money on my food budget is to cook something everyday and to cook ahead and stick things in the freezer. That way I'm not tempted to pick up fast food.

Okay.. I'm yawning now so I'm going to head back to bed. Hopefully my tooth will let me sleep.


  1. You do not need that tooth ache in the midst of your move, do you! Are you getting help from family and friends with the move? Don't drive if you haven't been able to sleep.

    I have had two teeth pulled rather than face a root canal. We changed to a medicare supplement plan than has dentral and vision coverage with it.

    Hugs and prayers,

  2. I must have missed your post that you are moving. I'm so glad you'll be closer to your mom and some of the grands. I certainly hope your toothache gets better soon!

  3. Hello....thank you so much so stopping by my blog....I have enjoyed reading through your latest posts and look forward to reading the future ones...who isn't trying to economize right now?..We can make it fun or we can make it miserable...I see you have chosen the positive route..good for you!

  4. Oh my, tooth aches are so miserable. I hope you're better this morning and won't need a root canal.

    Good idea on freezing the pie crust for the pot pie.... thinking ahead sure helps to save money and nerves.

    Hoping your move is over soon and goes very smooth.

  5. Wish you all the best with your move and I sure hope you can find relief with your tooth real soon.

  6. All the best on your move. I hope you don't have to have a root canal. Hugs

  7. So sorry to hear about the toothache. They are such nasty things. It sounds as if you are well prepared for this move. i pray that things to smoothly for the move and the weeks/months ahead of settling into a new life. God bless you!

  8. What an intereseting informative blog, I linked over from "Mountain Quilter", so glad I now to have a little browse through your archives.

    Hope your toothache gets sorted sort.

    florrie x

  9. Thanks for answer to your question about knitting, I'm grandma taught from about the age of five, knitting's almost second nature to me.........knitting house slippers sounds pretty impressive to me.

    florrie x

  10. I had a filling that was painful afterwards, again I was told that it was close to the nerve, it slowly improved, for I while I just chewed on the other side. But, it did improve, it took about 8 months until it did not bother me at all, and all is well now. Hopefully it will improve for you in the next week or so.

  11. Hi Georgene, I sure will be praying for you. I really know what that feels like. Sounds like you got a job and are moving. That is great!
    Bless you in all this.
    hugs, Sharon

  12. Bean: Did you have a crown or just a filling? I'm finding that sensitive toothpaste is helping and if I stay in out of the cold which is nearly impossible this week since I'm packing things in the barn. :-)

  13. Mine was a filling, but a rather deep one, it was very sensitive to cold, and painful when I chewed on that side. I used the sensitive teeth toothpaste for a month, and did notice improvement, it really seems to be a wait it out kind of thing. My seventeen year old also had some pain after a filling, hers went away after about a month. It is a drag for sure, but it should get better with time.
    I hope the move is going well. And the turkey pot pie sounds just perfect for a cold day!

  14. Your blog is so interesting and I am so excited to be reading your tips on saving money. There's nothing like the feeling of 'beating the system'...the system that says we must have this or that to be happy. The older I get the tighter I get and I really like it. I have read a few other posts and will start at the beginning of your blog and go through each one. I looked at your latest post and could not believe how small your living quarters are! And I thought I had a small house! I have one question, though: Do you and your husband get on each other's nerves with so little room to move around? Is there a room to go to 'get away from each other' if even for an hour or so? That is something I would be concerned about.

  15. Joy: God has given amazing grace in our relationship to be with each other 24 hrs a day. We don't do it perfectly but overall we do just fine living together in a small space. I try to keep 'stuff' to a minimum and keep organized. One area that I have to work on 'dying to self' is when he tries to do something in the kitchen when I'm cooking. Occasionally, I have to bite my tongue. But, overall the Lord has given amazing grace.


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